Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year 2010!!!

Finally, the clock struck 12:00p.m. Hope everyone had a wonderful welcoming to 2010. I am looking forward to a wonderful and eventful year.

I been reading some of the blogs and mostly everyone would like to start the New Year with  Resolutions, the first on the list that everyone post is a diet. My New Year Resolution will be the following and including the diet but that be the last one on the list.
Here are my New Year Resolution wishes for 2010.

1-Be patient.
2-Blog more often.
3-Finish my master bedroom in decorating it, finish my Barbie room and craft room. The rest my husband can take care of it.
4-Post and sell items in Esty for these hard tiems we are all having.
5-This one is a challenge plan a trip to see my younger sister in U.A.E.
6-Plan my son's graduation.
7-Make my niece her dream birthday of "Alice in Wonderland".
8-Creat my Mrs. Clause costume before the "Train Show".
9-Save money spend less.
10-Take care of my health watch what I eat, excercise and diet well. Ultimate goal to loose 15lbs by the end of  2010.

Celebrating good buy to 2009.
God Bless everyone,


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